Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Miscommunication with New Communication Technologies

I believe that the possibilities for miscommunication with new communication technologies is more than ever before, and may get progressively worse in the future.

Most of us use mobile phones, and it is quite common to experience dropped calls. In the ad campaign for Cingular cell phones, commercials illustrated just how devastating a dropped call can be. In one particularly strong commercial, a person calls the suicide hotline from the top of a building, and while the counselor at the other end is trying to convince him that taking his own life is not a good option, the line goes dead, and the screen turns black, hinting at disastrous consequences. The slogan is "Fewer dropped calls". (View the commercial online at

There are also problems with emails. Sometimes, one misunderstands the "tone" of an email because one cannot actually hear the voice behind it. I've heard complaints from friends about how their emotions are constantly misinterpreted if they do not explicitly use emoticons [:-) :-( etc.]. In cases where emoticons are not appropriate (e.g. a semi-professional setting such as being a club-member), it is difficult to correctly interpret a person's tone under many circumstances.


PinkLady said...
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PinkLady said...

I agree that email and dropped calls can cause lots of confusion. Dropped calls can be especially annoying if it happens during an important conversation because often the "moment" is lost. It is also so difficult to figure out what the tone of the email is. When we talk to someone face to face or on the phone we say things and its usually over with at that time. But with emails, people can go back and re-read them and over-analyze them and this can lead to misunderstanding also. So this highlights importance of being very careful when typing an email because unlike a conversation, it can be saved and re-read anytime.