Monday, September 8, 2008

Information Overload

(I had earlier posted this as "Information Overdose", but after doing a little research, I discovered that other researchers have given it the name "Information Overload". Hence I'm reposting this with a new title. More at

The modern and post-modern world have increased several-fold the number of ways we can communicate with each other. The telephone, facsimile, email, etc. were unavailable as recently as a few decades ago to most of the world's population, and while they have been useful as a communication tool, this has resulted in an unfortunate side-effect of what I would call "Information Overdose". I would argue that most people in the post-modern world have a problem processing more information than they can handle, and this problem is likely to get worse in the coming decades.

For example, emails have brought us closer by facilitating communication between continents at the click of a mouse, but unfortunately, we also get a large amount of "junk" in our Inbox everyday. I'm not only referring to the problem of "spam" emails, but also to those emails that are irrelevant to our lives that we receive since we're part of a mailing list, or work-related emails that are really not our immediate responsibility. I had been away on vacation for 4 weeks, and when I returned, I found 281 unanswered emails in my Inbox! Only a small number of those emails were directly related to my job function (I would estimate about a third), while some were only to "keep me in the loop", and many were quite irrelevant to my job function or even my interests. I'm quite sure that I'm not unusual in this situation, and that most people feel overwhelmed with the number of emails they have to respond to on a daily basis, and dealing with emails that are unrelated to their work and interests.


cathyblog08 said...

I completely agree with your posting. I did not know that there was a name for 'information overload'. It seems that in addition to access to more information we also have a new way of getting solicited for various causes or events. It also seems that a "successful" person is someone who knows how to organize the amount of information quickly to still get what he or she wants to get out of the information. I think about the people around me and no one seems to have found the right way to deal with information overload.
Many people just decide to let their inbox grow into the thousands and some people attempt to file by date but I personally find it very challenging to balance information digestion and actual work.

Hapa said...

Ah, the dreaded post-vacation email avalanche! :D

I agree with your argument that most of us suffer from "information overdose." One of the problems I've experienced with work emails is the over abuse of the (CC:) function...

The cc function is overused for "keeping people in the loop" that really don't need to know the info. The cc function is overused for "cover your butt" principle, creating a virtual paper trail by copying as many witnesses as you think relevant.

I believe there is much that can be done to encourage better email protocol throughout an organization. This would be beneficial to not only reducing clutter, but ensuring that the proper personnel get the proper messages in a timely fashion.