Sunday, November 2, 2008

Party On!

One way towards team-building in companies is to permit and even encourage parties at work. A Seinfeld episode pokes fun at how regular partying drives some people nuts (due to what Elaine calls "Forced Socializing" or "acting like friends"), but occasional partying may be necessary for employee team-building and morale.

It is quite amazing that companies will pay little towards small parties that go a long way into essential employee team-building, but a lot towards executive parties that cost hundreds of thousands. The incident I have in mind is the recent scandal involving AIG executives partying after an $85 Billion bailout by the Feds. The executives were so exhausted after they received the $85 Billion that they decided they needed a $440,000 party, $23,380 of which was just for spa treatments! Talk about partying in style!

AIG execs' retreat after bailout angers lawmakers
By ANDREW TAYLOR, Associated Press Writer – Tue Oct 7, 11:15 pm ET

1 comment:

CommBuzz said...

I wonder if they have any job openings..LOL. On a more serious note, It's a well documented fact (think Hawthorne Studies) that a little attention to employees goes a long way. I have worked for publicly owned employers and private companies as well, and have found that "official" benefits like retirement etc. are better at public employers, private companies seem to pay more attention to the smaller things. It is also possible that private that private employers give even bigger perks to executives, but keep it under wraps. The AIG situation seems like mess, but maybe the pr staff was laid off, before the spa vacation,